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1. Name and location Malawin Kummit ry (Malawi Godparents Organization, Inc.), located in Porvoo, Finland 2. Objectives The purposes of the Organization are to advocate moral rectitude and integrity in the area of Malawi; promote gender equality; increase prosperity; advance potential for better living conditions; advocate for human rights and democracy; and promote ecological awareness. To accomplish the above goals, the organization will: - Recruit and work with volunteer godparents - Educate and train volunteers - Promote scientific research, information gathering, and awareness about Malawi - Initiate and present ideas and opinions on subjects concerned - Conduct seminars, lead discussions, and hold educational and social activities - Work jointly with other institutions and organizations How to support the Organization’s activities - Obtain official permission to run bazaars, solicit donations, or organize excursions and entertainment - Donate your time, gifts, or estate - Create income-generating activities that produce concrete results - Lease your real estate or movable property 3. Membership Any person who accepts the rules and guidelines of the Organization is eligible and entitled to register as a member. Supporting the membership of an individual or legalizing another group’s solidarity with the cause of the Organization is and will always be welcome. Both registered and supporting members are entitled to join the Organization’s Membership Board. The Board of the Organization will appoint a person who has demonstrated his or her commitment to the cause of the Organization to an honorary chairmanship or membership. 4. Membership Resignation or Dismissal A member is free to resign from the Organization by sending a written application to the Board or to the chairman or at the Organization’s meeting. The Board of the Organization may dismiss a member if the member does not pay membership fees, if s/he has not fulfilled his or her duties and binding obligations, if his or her conduct within or outside the Organization is deemed detrimental to the cause of the organization, or if s/he no longer fulfils the general rules and regulations required for membership. 5. Membership Fee Membership and annual fees for both registered and supporting members will be decided at the Autumn Organization Meeting. The honorary chairman and honorary members do not pay fees. 6. Administration The Administrative Board of Directors is elected at the Autumn Organization Meeting. The Board includes the Chairman, four registered members, and four assistant members who manage the Organization’s affairs. The term of service for each member of the Administrative Board is one calendar year, starting at the Autumn Organization Meeting. The Board will elect a Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Information Officer, and any other necessary personnel from within or outside the board membership. The Board will meet once in the autumn and in the spring, and at the invitation of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman when they deem fit or when at least half of the Board members require it. The Board has the power of decision when the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and half of the members are present. Decisive majority vote rules. In case of a voting tie, the chairman has final say. However, in case of electoral voting tie, the decision is made by casting a deliberative vote. 7. Association’s Signatory Powers Signatory powers of the Organization lie in the hands of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and/or any appointed member of the Board. 8. Financial Year & Auditing The Organization’s fiscal year is the calendar year, starting January 1st. Income and expenditure from the Organization’s Account (Bookkeeping) must be given to the auditor at least three weeks before the Spring Board Meeting. The Auditor will, in turn, present his written statement to the Board no later than two weeks before the Spring Board meeting. 9 Organization’s Meetings The Association will meet twice a year on regular basis. The yearly spring meeting of the Organization will be set by the Board and convened on a date before the end of April. The yearly autumn meeting of the Organization will be set by the Board and convened on a date before the end of November. Extra meetings will be held if the members of the Organization so decide, or if the Board considers an important issue, and/or if one-tenth (1/10) of the registered members send a written request for a special meeting to the Board of Directors. If the request is approved, the extra meeting will be held within thirty (30) days of submitting the request to the Board. At the meetings of the Organization, all registered members, the honorary Chairman, and honorary members have the right to one (1) vote. Supporting members have the right to attend the meetings and right to be heard. Supporting members can be heard via one deputized member. The decision making is by majority rule which is over half of the votes given, unless the decision differs with the Organization Rules and Regulations. In the case of a tie vote, the election will be decided by casting a deliberative vote. Otherwise, the Chairman will have the final decision. 10. Convening Association’s Meeting The Board must send an invitation to meetings at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. The invitation must be mailed or e-mailed to all members of the Organization. 11. Regular Meetings Spring meetings will deal with issues including, but not limited to: 1. Opening the meeting 2. Electing the meeting Chairman, Secretary, two (2) inspectors of the minutes of the meeting, and two (2) other members to count the votes 3. Verifying the legality of the meeting and the meeting’s decision making authority 4. Accepting the working order of the meeting 5. Presenting the financial statement, the auditor’s report, and the activities or functions of the Board 6. Making decisions and recommendations to the Board about the Account balance, approving the reports of the auditor and bookkeeper, and freeing them from their responsibilities 7. Miscellaneous issues 8. Adjournment Autumn meetings will deal with issues including, but not limited to: 1. Opening the meeting 2. Electing the meeting Chairman, Secretary, two (2) inspectors or secretaries of the minutes, and two (2) other members to count the votes 3. Verifying the legality of the meeting and the meeting’s decision making authority 4. Accepting the working order of the meeting 5. Assessing the operation, strategic plan and budget, including the fees to be paid by the registered and support members. 6. Electing the Board Chairman 7. Electing the other members of the Board 8. Electing two (2) auditors and their assistants 9. Miscellaneous issues 10. Adjournment If a member of the Organization has a proposal to be discussed at the meeting, s/he has to submit a written request to the Board well in advance of the meeting to have it included in the agenda and invitation. 12. Constitutional Amendment and Dissolving the Organization Decisions to change the constitution and dissolve the Organization will be taken at a meeting attended by a three-quarter (3/4) majority of registered members.
Joukko suomalaisia kummijärjestöjä on saanut valmiiksi eettisen ohjeiston, jonka avulla edistetään lasten hyvinvointia ja luodaan yhteiset säännöt järjestöjen toiminnalle. Ohjeissa korostetaan kummilasten henkistä ja fyysistä koskemattomuutta. Kummijärjestöjen eettiset ohjeet.